BAD TOOL #1: Delta 31-255x Drum Sander.
Sure, a drum sander is not a vital tool for wood-workers. But this one sticks in my craw anyway! I felt the design was utter crap.
It wouldn’t keep alignment on the 4 lead screws. Which meant I could NEVER sand anything evenly… and everything I used it on turned out thicker on one side. Boy was it annoying.
And to top it off, the gears were plastic with a cheap rubber belt. When I saw the low quality, I just knew they weren’t going to last. And sure enough I was right. When the belt busted, I went online to order replacement parts. (I had planned on ordering new gears because I just knew they would go next.)
That’s when I found the tool had been discontinued altogether… and you couldn’t even find parts for it. I had paid $800 for it and suddenly it was nothing but junk. A complete waste.
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